A borough mum who has battled cancer has had a sneak preview of pioneering work at a site set to officially open this week to fight the disease.

The Cancer Research UK National Biomarker Centre in Manchester will help experts detect the disease at an earlier stage when there is more chance of a cure, anticipate how aggressive a patient’s tumour is, predict which treatments are likely to work best, and monitor responses to personalised treatment.

Biomarkers encompass a plethora of different tests that enable clinicians to manage a patient’s individual cancer in the best way possible.

Cancer Research UK will invest £2.5m into the National Biomarker Centre each year as part of an annual £26m investment in Manchester – putting the city at the heart of its mission to beat cancer.

Every year around 44,700 people are diagnosed with cancer in the North West.  

Carolyn Hall, from Whitefield, had just celebrated her 40th birthday and her youngest child was aged four when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Carolyn, now 52, had a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.

She also underwent chemotherapy at The Christie.

Carolyn is married to Stuart, with children, Lily, 16, and 20-year-old Charlie, and she runs her own business, Total Venues.

She said: “As a patient treated at The Christie who has gone on to support Cancer Research UK for many years, I am delighted to have a sneak preview of the work at the National Biomarker Centre and find out what the future of research holds.”

Bury Times: Carolyn with researcher Molly Glenister-Doyle Carolyn with researcher Molly Glenister-Doyle (Image: Supplied)

The Paterson Building is also home to the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, part of The University of Manchester.

Prof Caroline Dive is director of the National Biomarker Centre and interim director of the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute.

She knows only too well the impact of cancer. Her grandfather died from brain cancer before she was born.

Her mother has undergone surgery on an endometrial tumour, and her father was treated for colon cancer.

He died aged 95 following a further diagnosis of cancer.

Prof Dive said: “The impact biomarkers will have on patients' care can't be underestimated.

"Doctors will be able to get more information, faster, to determine the best treatment plan for each individual.

"And it will stop some patients from undergoing unnecessary interventions or treatments that could cause pain or discomfort without providing benefit.

"We are learning how to manage cancer.

"And that will mean we can give patients longer with their loved ones and a good quality of life."

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Cancer Research UK’s chief executive, Michelle Mitchell, who will attend the official opening on Friday, June 14, said: “As the world’s largest charitable funder of cancer research, Cancer Research UK is at the forefront of the global fight against the disease, bringing together millions of people who share our determination to beat it.

“As a former student of The University of Manchester, I’m delighted that such an exciting and revolutionary facility will be housed in the city. Research at the Cancer Research UK National Biomarker Centre will help to transform cancer treatment in the future.”

Professor Graham Lord, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at The University of Manchester, said: “The Cancer Research UK National Biomarker Centre is a significant milestone in our mission to develop earlier and highly personalised treatments for cancer. It is fitting that this revolutionary approach will be based in Manchester, one of the world’s leading cities for cancer research.”