MOVE over Rick Hatton - a budding Whitefield boxer is pulling no punches on a quest to be the North West’s best new thing in the ring.

Ambitious Ben Mulligan, aged 15, of Walker Avenue, Whitefield, has started the new amateur season with aplomb after beating promising Rotherham youngster Hardeep Hoffi on his own turf last Wednesday, October 8.

The St Monica’s High School pupil lost his first three fights but has since picked up nine consecutive victories and, according to his coach Martyn Lynch, his future looks promising.

“All the coaches here are really impressed with Ben’s talent. We all think that with the right head on his shoulders he could have a great future in boxing,” said Martyn, who is head coach and chairman at Ben’s club, Middleton Select Amateur Boxing Club.

“His first couple of fights were a bit lazy but since then he has been fantastic. His last fight against Hoffi, who is a very good boxer, was brilliant. Ben’s hands and movement were so fast. He gave him a real boxing lesson.”

Despite enjoying plentiful success since taking up the sport three years ago, Ben said he is determined to keep focused and keep his feet firmly on the ground.

Ben, who is hoping to join the boxing academy at Hopwood Hall College in Rochdale when he leaves school, said: “I am doing really well at the moment and my confidence is on the up.

“It’s all down to my commitment, my dedication and my will to succeed. I go running three nights a week and some mornings before school and I’m in the gym four times a week.

“I’d really love to do it professionally, but for now I’m just taking each fight as it comes and not getting too carried away.

“I’m really looking forward to a rematch with Hoffi at Middleton Civic Hall on November 6. It will be pretty tough.”

His proud dad, Peter, said: “The best thing for me is that there is a temptation among lads his age to turn to drugs and drink and go down the wrong path, but Ben and his friends from the gym have shunned all that.

“They are happy to concentrate at the gym and have good confidence, fitness and discipline. I am really proud of Ben's achievement and I hope he keeps it up.”