CARING pupils at two Radcliffe schools have sent shoeboxes filled with gifts to children around the world.

Pupils at Cams Lane Primary School managed to fill 44 shoeboxes with toiletries, toys and other items as part of the Operation Christmas Child appeal.

Members of the school council decided to support the charity after collecting 60 bags of items for Porch Boxes during the harvest festival.

They created a poster and leaflet telling pupils about the appeal and showed a DVD about the shoeboxes during a special assembly.

The school council also wrote to parents asking them to donate filled shoeboxes, individual items, or cash to pay for postage.

The project, which they named ‘Love in a Box’ has been hailed as a success at the school.

Teaching assistant Brenda Coffey said: “I am absolutely thrilled that the children managed to collect so many boxes, especially after parents donated lots of items at harvest.

“The children worked very hard and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.”

Also supporting the appeal were children at Radcliffe Primary School, who were asked to get involved by members of Trinity Baptist Church.

They donated 30 shoeboxes filled with gifts which will be sent to children in Ethiopia.

Barbara Hartwell, a midday supervisor at the school and caretaker at the church, said: “I am very impressed with the generosity shown by the parents and children, who brought in gifts that they felt they would like to receive.

“It has been very educational for the children here and we will put a smile on children’s faces in Ethiopia.

“What a success.”