IN a letter in last week’s Bury Times one writer, whose name and address was not supplied, suggested that planning decisions were made on the basis of the personal likes and dislikes of one particular councillor.

This is a serious misunderstanding of the process and the workings of the Planning Committee.

The committee is made up of 13 councillors, each having a vote. Following consideration of a written report and recommendation together with any debate during the meeting a vote is taken of all the Members. In the case referred to by the writer the vote was close but the majority voted to refuse the application.

Some planning decisions can be contentious and inevitably where there are objections to development there will be winners and losers, but it is irrational and unreasonable to personalise the issues as they are subject to a democratic vote and a Committee decision. Furthermore all planning decisions have to be made for planning reasons and these are an important part of the decision. Furthermore these reasons are also subject to appeals which are made to the Planning Inspectorate when they are scrutinised and an independent view taken.

I hope this helps the writer of the original letter and you other readers.

Bernie Vincent Chairman of the Planning Committee