A RADCLIFFE councillor has launched a campaign for permanent toilets in the town centre.

Earlier this year, Bury Council erected temporary public toilets to replace a condemned toilet block plagued by drug users and vandals.

But Cllr Rishi Shori is unhappy with the condition of the new toilets and wants them to be replaced as well.

He said: “We deserve better in Radcliffe. We’re arranging to have a petition completed and presented to Bury Council by Christmas asking for permanent, cleaner toilets that are open more often. Hopefully the council will listen and do something about it in the new year.

“Council leader Bob Bibby has just spent £11,000 having his office in the town hall refurbished, including the installation of a new toilet. He obviously understands the importance of a good loo and hopefully he will put some money our way so we can have the same.”