A ROUND-the-clock advice line offering support for patients, carers and relatives has been launched by Bury Hospice.

The 24-hour service took its first calls on Monday.

It will be giving people direct access to a fully trained and highly experienced palliative care nurse who can give advice on symptoms or general issues if people are finding it difficult to cope.

The helpline can also be used by healthcare professionals seeking help on more complex issues of patient care.

Eloise Burke, the hospice’s clinical services manager, said: “If you are a patient or caring for someone with a life-limiting illness, often it’s the middle of the night or when other professionals are not available that you need to talk the most.

“We will be offering telephone access and support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with advice on a range of problems and symptoms.

“By being there when you need us, we aim to prevent some of the crisis situations that may happen when carers or patients feel alone.”

The service has been set up using one-off funding from the Greater Manchester And Cheshire Cancer Network, after it identified a gap in the service provision of a dedicated advice line in the Bury area.

The hospice put in a bid and was chosen by the network to run the advice line.

Hilary Compston, head of supportive and palliative care at Greater Manchester And Cheshire Cancer Network, said: “Patients and carers can’t predict when they will need support and advice.

“It’s often during the evening and night time that people feel more alone and in need of help.

“We very much welcome this new 24-hour advice line, which will provide the support that people need, when they need it.”

The advice line is available by dialling 0845 4081891.

All calls will be charged at a local rate, though mobile phone charges may vary.