Eight stop and searches resulted in police finding illegal drugs amid a wider crackdown on crime and anti-social behaviour.

The searches were carried out across several nights in the Whitefield area.

As well as the drug searches, several cars were seized and a man found driving with illegal drugs he appeared to have been planning to sell was arrested.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesperson said: “Over the last few nights the Whitefield Neighbourhood team have deviated their shifts to combat vehicle crime and antisocial behaviour.

“A mix of plain clothes and hi vis patrols have been on duty & here is what we have been up to over the last few nights.

“A vehicle already on our radar made off from officers and was abandoned nearby. Upon searching the vehicle officers located illegal drugs.

Bury Times: Police were out across the Whitefield areaPolice were out across the Whitefield area (Image: GMP)

"The vehicle was seized.

“Eight stop searches resulting in the finding of illegal drugs

“An officer's ‘Spidey’ senses were tingling when they spotted a suspicious vehicle on the Victoria Lane estate.

“The driver decided to ditch his wheels and made off on foot, officers chased the offender and with the help of the response team the male was located & detained.

“Offender located with illegal drugs and items relating to the intent to supply. Male arrested, and vehicle seized.

“One motorist scored a hattrick when they drove past officers at speed.

“The driver was issued with Section 59 warning for his anti-social driving, reported for their manner of driving and reported for an illegal registration.

“A clearly keen to impress racer was stopped by officers driving anti-socially along with an extremely loud exhaust.

"Having been previously issued a S59 warning, the vehicle was seized.

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“A driver itching to get home after a night in the pub was stopped in their tracks by officers.

"The driver produced a positive breath test and was arrested at roadside.

"This motorist was further arrested for the concealment of Class A drugs on his person.

“Following local intelligence regarding a vehicle linked to drug supply officers worked with other units to locate that vehicle along with a disqualified driver.

“One arrested and vehicle seized.”

Anyone with any further information or concerns can call police on 101 or 999 in the event of an emergency.

Alternatively, witnesses can contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.