Allegations of election fraud have been cleared by police after an investigation.

Shortly after the elections on Thursday, May 2, members of the Workers Party made a complaint after concerns of fraud were made about the Redvales ward, in which the Labour-run council’s deputy leader Cllr Tamoor Tariq won.

Read more: Probe into Bury local elections results after fraud allegations

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and the council have been investigating a claim regarding an alleged conflict of interest on polling day due to a family member of Cllr Tariq being a polling official.

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In Redvales, Cllr Tariq received 1,155 votes, Shabaz Shamin from the Workers Party finished second with 962 votes, Mazhar Aslam for the Conservatives finished third with 410 votes, Paul Johnstone for the Greens attracted 378 votes and Mirza Hamie for Bury Independents amassed 184 votes.

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But GMP has no confirmed that the case has been cleared following a probe.

A force spokesperson said: "Officers in Bury investigated the allegations and no evidence has been provided of criminal offences, so no further action will be taken."

A council spokesperson added: “We understand that GMP have investigated and closed allegations of fraud in one of our polling stations.

“The council pursues the highest standards of probity in all its elections functions.”