
  • Delays after crash on A56

    THERE are delays northbound on the A56 Bury New Road after a road traffic collision. The incident at the junction of King's Road has caused delays between there and Great Cheetham Street West. Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM) has advised

  • Bury tram services delayed after 'vandalism'

    BURY tram services are suffering from delays due to 'vandalism'. The lines travelling in both directions between Bury and Victoria have been affected. Manchester Metrolink tweeted the news to announce the small delays. They also apologised

  • New expanded supermarket set to open in Whitefield

    A NEW supermarket is set to open its doors in Whitefield. The new Aldi store will open in Higher Lane at 8am on January 23. It will be located on the site of the town's former Aldi which has been redeveloped and expanded to boast 1,254 sqm of

  • Former magistrate awarded rare medal from the Pope

    A FORMER magistrate has been awarded a rare and prestigious honour by the Pope for his incredible work in eduction and the community, and for his service to the Catholic Church. Jim Hyndman, aged 72, received the Benemerenti Medal from Pope Francis

  • WEATHER WARNING: Gale force winds set to blast Bury

    GALE force winds are set to blast Bury on Thursday The Met Office has issued a Yellow weather warning for "very strong winds" starting on Thursday morning which could bring disruption to the region. Gusts of up 70mph could hit some places, while

  • 10 great responses to Warburtons Halal bread outrage

    A man who tweeted his outrage to a halal label on Warburtons bread has been ridiculed. The label on the much loved bread states that the loaf is both halal and kosher. But it was the halal label that seemed to cause one Twitter user to go into

  • Crashed car left facing wrong way after smashing into tree

    A CAR was left facing the wrong way into traffic after smashing into a tree during a crash. The Volkswagen Beetle had collided with a tree after the driver lost control in Bury Old Road, Ainsworth, shortly before 9pm on Monday night. Emergency